Having said that, you could just skip ahead to reading the books they recommend and attending seminars without plunking down your hard earned cash for your 'business licence' or however else they decide to obfuscate the fact that they're charging you a fee to use their products.
Again, I'm not knocking the MLM construct. Great idea, and, there are people who make an absolute fortune off of it.
If it were me, I'd read a few books to prep my mindset, and attend a few seminars before joining any MLM.
So, here's what I would say is the absolute best order to get going.
1) Take Martial Arts
2) Read Rich Dad Poor Dad
3) Read Cashflow Quadrant: Rich Dad's Guide to Financial Freedom
4) Listen to Anthony Robbins' Personal Power II: The Driving Force! (25 CD Set)
5) Attend the MMI seminar.
Why this order? Martial arts will provide you with self discipline and confidence. Of which, you will need both of. Not to mention the energy etc.
The first two books help you understand the necessary mindset required for making passive income, and they're easy to follow.
Number 4 will help upgrade your mindset and provide you with positive tools, and positive life habits. (note: I recommend anything by Tony Robbins - so after PP2, feel free to keep on acquiring his life's works!)
The MMI is a seminar based on changing and upgrading your money blueprint. As a product of their seminars, I can vouch for it truly working. I take my students to it every year - and you should SEE the changes.
Sensei Ono, Shinka Martial Arts
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