Learning how to get rich is great - teaching how to get rich is better!

About The

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Sensei Ono, founder of Shinka Martial Arts, is a teacher and student of life. His passion for helping others and self improvement is the purpose behind this blog. -- "If your purpose in any way includes making the world a better place, I urge to you read, and share the knowledge."

Blog Marketing $1 solution?

I've been seriously looking at a lot of methods for blog marketing.  One such option I found was awebber.  They charge $1 and you get some very interesting exposure.  On top of that, they offer some great auto-responding software.  One thing that I've learned is the value of "a list" of your subscribers - and how to market to them directly.

Personally, I would only market something people signed up for, so if I ever use awebber, it would for a book (ie The Key to Awesome) purchase etc.

I haven't used awebber yet, but I'm considering it, as, I've noticed that a large percentage of successful bloggers are using it.

Sensei Ono, Shinka Martial Arts
How could you best encourage a blogger to blog?

ps - and, as of now:

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