Let me tell you something: Whoever is more committed to their ideal reality in this world, has it.
I heard an interesting story once, where a fellow was very sure that Tony Robbins didn't have any official credentials in the realm of NLP. And, Tony knew that he did.
But the fellow on the other end was so sure that this was the case, that, when he said to call up Tony's professor - Tony got nervous, because of the passion this other fellow had for their argument.
Now, obviously, Tony knew he had graduated from this place and had his credentials, but THE PASSION OF THE OTHER PERSON STILL MADE HIM QUESTION THEM.
If you go into a negotiation and you are simply more committed to something and passionate about something than they are apathetic towards it, you win. Plain and simple.
Use every objection as a reason to find out why they would be so foolish as to not see the awesome that is your idea, and then help them to understand.
Eventually, they will understand... if passion for the idea exceeds the person opposed to the idea's jaded apathy.
Your problems are all money making ideas.
Solutions are money.
Easy solutions are lots of money.
If you can take something that is "too hard" and do it FOR someone else...
Learning how to get rich is great - teaching how to get rich is better!
About The

- Author
- Sensei Ono, founder of Shinka Martial Arts, is a teacher and student of life. His passion for helping others and self improvement is the purpose behind this blog. -- "If your purpose in any way includes making the world a better place, I urge to you read, and share the knowledge."
Oprah, hi! Read my book :-)
Seriously, I think Oprah would like my book.
How the heck to GET the book to her... well, I'll let you know.
But, Oprah, if you're reading this... well, I know you have a large amount of money, so offering to send you a free book might not exactly work as an incentive... so... read my book and I'll donate $100 to Kiva.org.
(just let me know you read it :)
I know $100 isn't much in the Oprah scale of finances, but, that's still 4 new businesses we could help launch in an impoverished nation, and you get to read a neat book (which I honestly DO think you'd like) as a result :-)
Yay for win/win/win!
How the heck to GET the book to her... well, I'll let you know.
But, Oprah, if you're reading this... well, I know you have a large amount of money, so offering to send you a free book might not exactly work as an incentive... so... read my book and I'll donate $100 to Kiva.org.
(just let me know you read it :)
I know $100 isn't much in the Oprah scale of finances, but, that's still 4 new businesses we could help launch in an impoverished nation, and you get to read a neat book (which I honestly DO think you'd like) as a result :-)
Yay for win/win/win!
MLM reviews
Multi-level-marketing programs, or MLMs, are as diverse as businesses of any other type. There are scams, there are legitimate businesses and there are both ethical people running those examples, and unethical.
Like picking a martial arts school, you can't clump all "Karate people" into one lump, any more than you can clump all "MLM people" into one clump.
I will say this, I seem to attract MLM peoples like crazy. And, for good reason, as I am highly excitable and future oriented (their ideal)
So, I've tried Quixtar (now re-named back to Amway), Isagenix, and a few others, all with similar, lack-luster results in earnings, but, excellent results in mindset from some of the books they'd had me read (ie Rich Dad, Poor Dad)
I will say this: Everyone should try one MLM, for their excellent training, and ambitious atmosphere. Like going to the MMI, or a great martial arts school - simply being surrounded by positive people, in a positive environment with positive goals WILL affect you... positively.
The reason I suggest everyone should try at least one MLM, is because of two reasons.
1) To experience the thought of true freedom, and develop a passion for it.
Regardless if the MLM is right for you long term, it will still fuel future efforts towards that end. You have the potential for greatness, and an MLM is an excellent segue into said greatness. Understand, it could be the tool that establishes that freedom, or, it could simply be a stepping stone. Regardless, I'd say they're excellent teaching tools of leverage.
2) Their training systems. To experience the training methods of some of the better MLMs (The best I've seen is Market America's) is to experience (again) that taste of true freedom. What they teach is basically time leveraging and practicing what you preach.
Capitalizing off of pre-existing habitual activities, and monetizing what you already do. (this blog, for example, is an example of that - I give this advise for free, but, you reading it here makes me a nickel if you click on some of our lovely sponsors on your right)
What I would suggest, is not to go head-first into the first MLM you stumble across (or more likely, are invited into)
Why? Because they are basically all the same. They have different bells and whistles, and different products, and different people, but they basically start by drawing a circle, then two other circles.
SO: Find an MLM that works for YOU. What is YOUR passion? What do you love? I guarantee you there is an MLM out there waiting for you.
From water to protein powder to gas to pretty much any consumable product you could already know about, there are MLMs about them.
Heck, even Deepak Chopra has one, so why not you?
PS - There are also interesting resources, if you have an MLM that can help acellerate your progress.
Manifestation and fear are a dangerous combination. The phrase "be careful what you wish for" is apt, though I think a more clear warning might be "be careful what you think emotionally about"
Coming to terms with this in my own life has been an interesting process.
"Keep movin' foward"
- Rocky.
Coming to terms with this in my own life has been an interesting process.
"Keep movin' foward"
- Rocky.
TK2A Hardcover
Its interesting, how putting something into physical form increases the editing and focus behind it.
The eBook is good... but the print book is great.
Even aesthetically, a theme has been developed and its really turning out wonderful. It should be ready this month!
Exciting to have it being put into libraries etc!!!
The eBook is good... but the print book is great.
Even aesthetically, a theme has been developed and its really turning out wonderful. It should be ready this month!
Exciting to have it being put into libraries etc!!!
Shinka Mastermind Group
I'm pleased with the progress behind the Shinka Mastermind Group.
Its spawned several blogs, several great business ideas, and possibly most importantly, inspired the group to grow and learn in each other's chosen areas, and made the group itself stronger for it.
Look at the list of blogs alone!
The Key to Awesome
Passionate Passive Income
Life, Love, And Martial Arts
Top 100 Authors
The Daily Failure
Cool Random Facts
Smell of n00bs
Epic Adventure Blog
Submit a Chapter
Super Awesome Robot
Epic Baby Names
Daily Healthy Recipes
I Eat Vegan Kittens
Weird Daily News
Dance As Though No One Was Watching You
The Girl Who Was Given Wings
Sensei Ono, Shinka Martial Arts
Its spawned several blogs, several great business ideas, and possibly most importantly, inspired the group to grow and learn in each other's chosen areas, and made the group itself stronger for it.
Look at the list of blogs alone!
The Key to Awesome
Passionate Passive Income
Life, Love, And Martial Arts
Top 100 Authors
The Daily Failure
Cool Random Facts
Smell of n00bs
Epic Adventure Blog
Submit a Chapter
Super Awesome Robot
Epic Baby Names
Daily Healthy Recipes
I Eat Vegan Kittens
Weird Daily News
Dance As Though No One Was Watching You
The Girl Who Was Given Wings
Sensei Ono, Shinka Martial Arts
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