Learning how to get rich is great - teaching how to get rich is better!

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Sensei Ono, founder of Shinka Martial Arts, is a teacher and student of life. His passion for helping others and self improvement is the purpose behind this blog. -- "If your purpose in any way includes making the world a better place, I urge to you read, and share the knowledge."

Rich Dad Poor Dad Book Reviews Part 2

Rich Dad Poor Dad was my first "passive income" book, and, as a result, I've read most of his books to date in my quest for financial freedom.  This is part two of my Rich Dad Poor Dad Book Reviews.

Surprisingly excellent.  I had fairly low expectations of this book, and, next to Cashflow Quadrant, I actually rate it as one of his top books.  It isn't as "fluffy" as I expected, and, it has lots of great seed ideas, techniques, concepts, step-by-steps as well as inspiring stories.  This one is a keeper, as it not only motivates but informs.  Great to go back to with questions.

Forgot to make a new point in these ones.  Don't bother.

Good.  A little more in depth than some of his other books.  Very American-based information.  Considerably more useful to read later on in the series, as, you should have some assets to invest with.

If you have been to a Millionaire Mind Intensive workshop, you've got all the information you'll need.  If you haven't, I'd still read the Millionaire Mind before this book, as it is more engaging.  (the seminar is generally free, and is life-changing)

This section is for specific information.  These books are less general "did you know you can leverage time?" and more specific "how to do X"

Is what it says.  References are fairly American.

Own Your Own Corporation 2nd ed.
Good info, good reference.

Guide to Investing in Gold & Silver
Like all commodities investing books, fairly useless and outdated by the time it was published.

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